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A Collection of Rereads

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

I probably have almost 300 books in my possession, with a mix of stories I have read and cannot bear to part with and also books I have not gotten around to reading but I know I will get to eventually. There are a select few though that I love rereading every now and again. The majority of the dozen or so books I enjoy going back to are books that I read as a child, like Harry Potter and The Westing Game. These were the stories that sparked my passion for reading. The books we read during childhood impact us greatly in ways we might not realize. It is these kinds of stories that you read once and instantly fall in love will that stay will you for a lifetime. The following are those select few that have done that to me:

The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling: Any who knows me well recognizes my love for Harry Potter. I have reread the series probably a hundred times my now. When I was younger, I would read the entire series every summer. Though I have not read book one through seven in a couple years now, I love to go back to my favorite books of the series to reread (my favorite is Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix!).

Thirteen Little Blue Envelopes and The Last Little Blue Envelope by Maureen Johnson: I just finished rereading this small series very recently. These two books always put me in the mood for travel and adventure. Maureen Johnson so perfectly created this travel series for young readers. I would love to write a travel story as excellent as this duology.

The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin and And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie: These two fantastic mysteries are the books I reread the least often. I like the space out my readings of them long enough so I can forget the end plot line of the stories. This way, when I do reread them it is almost like learning the story for the very first time. I still get the same feeling of suspense and mystery when I begin both stories.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen: A classic that everyone should read at least once. A good friend of mine convinced me to read it for the first time in high school and it sparked my love for classic authors like Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte. This novel also has one of the best opening lines I have ever read.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott: Such as sweet inspirational story. It has a mix of adventure, conflict, and love within its book covers. I always found myself relating more to Jo. The beauty of this book is that it has such a diverse range of characters that allow any kind of reader to pick it up and get something out of it.

These were the books I would stay up late into the night, huddled under my comforter, reading with a flashlight since it was way past my bedtime. Now that I am nineteen years old, hiding under my blankets isn’t necessary but I cherish these books greatly. I look forward to adding more great novels to my rereading collection. If you have any suggestions based on the books you love to reread, I would love to hear them!

Wishing you warm drinks and new adventures,


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